We're 2.5 million strong—more than 1.7 million girls and 750,000 adults who believe in the power of every G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ to change the world. Since 1912, we’ve built girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
In Missouri, Governor Jay Nixon signed into law Senate Bill 649 - Legislation that requires the Governor to designate each March 12 as Girl Scout Day and to recommend to the people of Missouri that the day be appropriately observed in recognition of the Girl Scout program. How cool is that?!
Girl Scout Day in Missouri!

Monday, June 28, 2010
In Michigan, The Observer and Eccentric has a run-down of events at the recent Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan Cookie Gala. The eighth annual event was held this year in the Greektown neighborhood of Detroit. Thirteen restaurants were each assigned a different Girl Scout Cookie to develop into a new dessert or appetizer creation. Awards were based on five criteria: presentation, texture, flavor, use of Girl Scout Cookie and creativity. Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan's CEO Denise Dalrymple's choice for The CEO's Choice Award came from the Sweet & Savory Bake Shop. Sounds like tasty fun! The event was also very lucrative, pulling in over $70K.
Cookie Gala Creates Desserts and Dollars

Fund Raising,
I'm Hungry,
Weekend Run-Down
Welcome back from the weekend - Stories from Bronze Awards to Girl Scout values at a detention center and more appearing today:
- Pennsylvania's Times Leader has a write up on Girl Scouts being recognized at an awards ceremony for earning Bronze Awards.
- The Register Mail, IL, has a fantastic piece on day camp activities at Blackthorn Hill Nature Preserve.
- The Las Vegas Review Journal in Nevada reports that Girl Scout values are being passed along to detention center teens.
- In Virginia, The News Leader states that Girl Scouts recognize top cookie sellers.
- In Oregon, Girl Scout Troop 40355 joined forces with the Northwest Youth Corps this month to remove Stinky Bob, an invasive plant (Herb Robert, Geranium robertianum), from the white oak savanna, West Linn's newest natural park. Read more in The Oregonian.
- In Utica, NY, The Observer Dispatch has a light-hearted story titled 'Funny Business a Standard for Girl Scouts Program' - Check it out!
Weekend Run-Down
Friday, June 25, 2010
From the Wall Street Journal today: Subcommittee Chairman Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) greets witnesses Dr. Phil McGraw, television personality and psychologist, and Girl Scout and fellow witness Dominique Napolitano - before they testify about cyber-bullying during a hearing of the Healthy Families and Communities Subcommittee of the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor, on Capitol Hill in Washington. How awesome is that?! More to come next week.
Girl Scout Rocks Capitol Hill

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Kentucky's Business First is reporting that Lora Tucker, a colonel in the U.S. Army, has been chosen as the next CEO of the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana. Tucker is retiring from the army this month after a 25-year career during which she held five command positions and was presented with the Bronze Star. Most recently, she was in charge of public affairs officers in the U.S. Army Reserve across the country. Fantastic! Congrats to Lora Tucker and The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana on a great pairing.
New Kentuckiana CEO, Army Colonel

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
In testimony to the U.S. House Healthy Families and Communities Subcommittee, Girl Scout Dominique Napolitano, 15, from Long Island, New York, will discuss cyberbulling from a teenager’s perspective. As part of her presentation to the subcommittee chaired by U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), Dominque will explore the challenges young people face in navigating life online and dealing with the bullying that takes place online and through social media. Awesome!
Girl Scouts of the USA is continuing to take the lead in highlighting the importance of online safety for girls, highlighting their innovative online safety campaign called LMK (Let Me Know), launched by Girl Scouts of the USA and Microsoft Windows. LMK (Let Me Know) has been previously featured at the California’s Women’s Conference in Long Beach, CA, and at the Family Online Safety Institute 3rd Annual Conference in Washington DC.
While the full scope of online threats, such as cyberbullying, are difficult to measure, we do know that nearly one in six U.S. children grades six to 10 (that’s 3.2 million students) are victims of online bullying each year, according to the National Council of Juvenile Court Judges. Bullying is not "just a phase" or behavior in which "kids will be kids." The repercussions of cyberbullying can be so grave that at least 13 U.S. states have passed or are proposing laws to make it a crime.
LMK includes an interactive Web site for parents and girls, as well as an e-newsletter for parents. The e-newsletter and parent site are designed to provide parents with guidance and also serve as a tool to help families have open and honest conversations about the dangers that lurk in cyberspace.
Kudos to Dominique!
Girl Scout to Testify at Congressional Hearing on Cyberbullying

Girl Scouts of the USA is continuing to take the lead in highlighting the importance of online safety for girls, highlighting their innovative online safety campaign called LMK (Let Me Know), launched by Girl Scouts of the USA and Microsoft Windows. LMK (Let Me Know) has been previously featured at the California’s Women’s Conference in Long Beach, CA, and at the Family Online Safety Institute 3rd Annual Conference in Washington DC.
While the full scope of online threats, such as cyberbullying, are difficult to measure, we do know that nearly one in six U.S. children grades six to 10 (that’s 3.2 million students) are victims of online bullying each year, according to the National Council of Juvenile Court Judges. Bullying is not "just a phase" or behavior in which "kids will be kids." The repercussions of cyberbullying can be so grave that at least 13 U.S. states have passed or are proposing laws to make it a crime.
LMK includes an interactive Web site for parents and girls, as well as an e-newsletter for parents. The e-newsletter and parent site are designed to provide parents with guidance and also serve as a tool to help families have open and honest conversations about the dangers that lurk in cyberspace.
Kudos to Dominique!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Corrections.com, a comprehensive news site dealing with prison and parole issues, has a fantastic look into Girl Scouts Beyond Bars in Idaho - which just celebrated it's one-year anniversary. The Pocatello Women’s Correctional Center and the Girl Scouts of the Silver Sage Council's Girl Scouts Beyond Bars program is an inmate mother-child visitation program. Girl Scouts Beyond Bars was started at the Pocatello Women’s Correctional Center on April 11, 2009 with six inmates and 10 children. Since that time the program has seen a growth in the amount of inmates who are anxious to become a part of this program. The program covers subjects such as healthy living, budgeting, making good choices, accountability, and communicating effectively. The girls are also offered the opportunity to earn Fun Patches based on turning in homework assignments. Carly Sullivan, a Mother and inmate, sums it up nicely by saying:
One Year Beyond Bars

“I wasn’t getting any visits from my girls prior to this program... now, myVery cool stuff indeed!
girls are writing me and really talking to me when I call them. It has
reestablished my relationship with them and opened up lines of communication
with my whole family. It also gives me something to look forward to every month.”
Girl Scouts Beyond Bars,
Weekend Run-Down
Summer starts today - hopefully everyone is in good spirits! Regardless, let's take a look at a number of Girl Scout stories popping up from the weekend:
- Tampa Bay Online has a story about Mary Jane Padgett, who after forty years as a Girl Scout Leader, is stepping down.
- In Chico California, The Enterprise Record reports that Girl Scouts, former Girl Scouts and leaders took part in the Chico Service Unit's annual June Jamboree - About 230 girls attended the annual event that offers younger girls a day camp experience and more experienced girls an overnight camping trip.
- The Milwaukee Journal Sentinal, WI, has a fantastic story on Camp Alice Chester's healthy habits focus.
- The Miami Herald has an awesome article on male Girl Scout Leader Angel Calzadilla -father of 3 Girl Scouts - he teaches Girl Scout Troop 975 what they need to know about cars to receive their "Car Sense" badge.
- The Boston Globe has an excellent piece on Frances Hesselbein, former Chief Executive Officer of the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.
- In Bingham, ME, Girl Scouts use local produce in food project. Read more.
Weekend Run-Down
Thursday, June 17, 2010
In New Hampshire, Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains was instrumental in gaining passage of an anti-bullying bill (H.B.1523) that was signed into law by Governor John Lynch earlier this week. The new law extends bullying to incidents of cyber-bullying, which take place through electronic means like cell phones, social networking sites and e-mail. Public schools across New Hampshire will have until January to draft detailed policies for dealing with bullying and cyber-bulling. Lynch celebrated the anti-bullying policy, saying:
I grew up going to a great deal of Bluegrass festivals with my family - My Uncle was and still is in a Bluegrass band. Bluegrass Music is a form of American roots music, and is a sub-genre of Country Music. Bluegrass was inspired by the music of immigrants from the United Kingdom and Ireland (particularly the Scottish-Irish immigrants in Appalachia), and African-Americans, particularly through genres such as jazz and blues. So I am excited to share that The Girls Scouts of Virginia Skyline Council has teamed up with the Roanoke Valley Fiddle and Banjo Club to introduce area girls to Bluegrass.
New Hampshire Girl Scouts Advocate for Anti-Bullying Law

“As governor, I have made the safety of our children a priority, and today, we are continuing our efforts to protect our most important resource – our children”.The Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains was one of a number of organizations that worked to pass the bill. Statistics from The National Youth Violence Prevention Center show that almost 30% of youth in the United States (or over 5.7 million) are estimated to be involved in bullying as either a bully, a target of bullying, or both. In the media, there are a disturbingly high number of bullying stories that far too often result in fatality. Girl Scouts of the USA is committed to addressing the subject of bullying and works with local community officials to eradicate this problem. For more information on Bill HB23, check out articles in New Hampshire's Nashua Telegraph and Union Leader - and for Girl Scout anti-bullying stories look here and here. Is bullying a problem in your community?
Girl Scouts Meet Fiddle and Banjo

The workshop will provide instruction for girls starting to learn an instrument. Guitar, banjo, fiddle, dulcimer and mandolin will all be covered, as well as, singing and dancing. Sounds very cool! For more info and video, check out this story at WDBJ TV 7. Are there musically minded Girl Scouts in your area?
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
In what sounds like a fantastic time to me, Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan will welcome the public to the fourth annual “Honoring Our Sisters” Native American Pow Wow this weekend at Camp O’ the Hills in Brooklyn, MI. This event will feature many traditional aspects of Native American culture, including dancing, drumming, Native American foods and crafts. In conjunction with the Pow Wow, Girl Scouts will have spent four days living and working with Pow Wow participants, learning firsthand about the Three Fires People of Michigan - hearing stories around a campfire from tribal elders, making authentic crafts and sampling traditional foods.The girls have an opportunity to learn about how they are different from Native American culture, but also how they are the same. Young Native American women and participants can talk and relate on modern topics of interest. For more information, read more in AnnArbor.com. Are there similar camps in your community?
Today Show Spends 'Real Night at the Museum' With Girl Scouts!
Check out the fun that ensued when Today Show correspondent Jenna Wolfe joined The Girl Scouts at the American Museum of Natural History's Night at the Museum. From Giant Squids to lessons in Science - it looks like fun was had and knowledge was shared. Take a look:
For more information on A Night at the Museum, definitely go here.
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
For more information on A Night at the Museum, definitely go here.
Honoring Our Sisters

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
It's camp time! Let's take a look at a couple things going on around the country.
In Texas, The Taylor Daily Press has a story on a camp where, aside from the leadership skills that the girls learn, they participate in different activities that will earn them a new badge. This year’s theme was Potions ‘n’ Lotions and the girls earned their science badge. One activity that sounds like a blast to me was their final experiment for the camp - creating a reaction between the carbon dioxide in Diet Coke and Mentos mint candy. Fun!!
Next up - in Pennsylvania, Johnson College is set to host Girl Scouts’ Design Squad Divas Camp from from June 28 to July 2. The camp’s theme is “Electrifying Music.” Participants will learn engineering basics and electrical concepts to build their own dance pads, pinball machines, and more. The camp also includes a field trip to see how music and movies are produced on CDs and DVDs. Sounds pretty rad to me! For more info, click here. Do you have fun camp stories to share? How is camp season going for you so far?
Video Fun Time from Outer Space
Take a look at my favorite vintage Girl Scout Video - Girl Scout Space PSA from 1976. It's all about the need for leaders, which is still very relevant today! Do you have a favorite Girl Scout Video? If not, find one here!
Texas Soda Bombs, Design Divas in PA

In Texas, The Taylor Daily Press has a story on a camp where, aside from the leadership skills that the girls learn, they participate in different activities that will earn them a new badge. This year’s theme was Potions ‘n’ Lotions and the girls earned their science badge. One activity that sounds like a blast to me was their final experiment for the camp - creating a reaction between the carbon dioxide in Diet Coke and Mentos mint candy. Fun!!
Next up - in Pennsylvania, Johnson College is set to host Girl Scouts’ Design Squad Divas Camp from from June 28 to July 2. The camp’s theme is “Electrifying Music.” Participants will learn engineering basics and electrical concepts to build their own dance pads, pinball machines, and more. The camp also includes a field trip to see how music and movies are produced on CDs and DVDs. Sounds pretty rad to me! For more info, click here. Do you have fun camp stories to share? How is camp season going for you so far?
Monday, June 14, 2010
The Washington Post Magazine has a fantastic profile on Joyce Motors President Susan Myers. Myers is a former Girl Scout Leader of 10 years, who is even responsible for starting a camp! In her words about inheriting the company, Myers says:
Discern a Fuel Pump from a Brake Pad With Susan Myers

"My grandfather started Joyce Motors 70 years ago. My dad spent his whole life here. Mothers and wives tend to fade into the background sometimes, or at leastSo she did - and she runs the company now! Are there women in mechanics in your community?
I did. But it was time to pull on the cowgirl boots and stand up for myself."
Weekend Run-Down
A good number of stories to cover this morning - Let's begin:
- The Florida Times-Union reports that preparedness paid off as local Girl Scouts assisted kayaker in distress.
- Fox News carries the story of Alice Sprowles, who recently celebrated 70 years in Girl Scouting.
- In California, The Pasadena Star News reports that 231 Girl Scouts were recognized, en masse, by Girl Scouts of the USA on Sunday for earning the Girl Scout Gold Award.
- WABI TV5 in Maine shares a story and video of The Maine Guard thanking Girl Scouts for Cookies Sent Overseas.
- In Massachusetts, The Milford Daily News has a piece about Girl Scouts cleaning gravestones in order to earn their Girl Scout Bronze Awards.
- Last but not least, The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal in Texas has a fantastic story about Lubbock Girl Scout troops integrating Hispanic heritage into activities.
Weekend Run-Down
Friday, June 11, 2010
In Dalton, GA, The Daily Citizen has a story today proclaiming that Hispanic Girl Scout Leaders are seeking volunteers in their community. In Dalton alone, there are five Hispanic Girl Scout Troops, but there are not enough volunteers to sustain them.
A private grant through the nonprofit Goizueta Foundation in Atlanta provided $1 million to Hispanic Girl Scout troops around the state for three years. However, the program ends on June 30, and participants are still searching for bilingual volunteers to step into the roles of the three full-time and two-part time employees whose jobs are going away. Bilingual volunteers are invited to register as Girl Scout leaders to help with Hispanic troops. For more information call (706) 226-1435 or (404) 863-4759 or direct yourself here.
This is a Call! Bilingual Volunteers Needed

A private grant through the nonprofit Goizueta Foundation in Atlanta provided $1 million to Hispanic Girl Scout troops around the state for three years. However, the program ends on June 30, and participants are still searching for bilingual volunteers to step into the roles of the three full-time and two-part time employees whose jobs are going away. Bilingual volunteers are invited to register as Girl Scout leaders to help with Hispanic troops. For more information call (706) 226-1435 or (404) 863-4759 or direct yourself here.
Help Needed,
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Head over to NorthJersey.com today and check out an article on Libbie Lindsay. Lindsay, at 97 years old, was honored last weekend in a ceremony looking back on her 85 years in Lyndhurst Girl Scouts. It was in 1925, at the age of 13, when Libbie Lindsay joined the Girl Scouts and she's been everything from a leader and trainer to registrar and of course mentor to thousands of girls in her long tenure.
Definitely read the entire article here, and share any stories you have about someone you know who has had a long tenure in Girl Scouting.
At Age 97, 85 Years of Girl Scouting

Definitely read the entire article here, and share any stories you have about someone you know who has had a long tenure in Girl Scouting.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hey Everyone! For those of you who are signed up for today's (June 9) Webinar with The Girl Scout Research Institute on the state of girls' body image, health and media - we look forward to having you! Unfortunately, if you haven't yet signed up, it is at capacity. Fear not though - We have put together an encore version of today's webinar on Wednesday, June 30th at 2 PM EST. Please sign up for the webinar by clicking here. Webinar slides will also be available on the National Collaboration for Youth website after the webinar.
Around age ten, I listened to Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation album like it would disappear at any second. Track number three is a powerhouse called 'The Knowledge' - a song that spelled out the importance of literacy and education in youth with lyrics like:
Body Image Webinar News

The discussion of these issues will be based in research, program and policy efforts led by Girl Scouts of the USA. Highlighted work will include a recent survey by the Girl Scout Research Institute about girls' body image and the fashion industry as well as national findings on girls health. In addition we will discuss an exciting new piece of legislation initiated by Girl Scouts - the Healthy Media for Youth Act as well as new programming on girls and self-esteem.
One major point of discussion will be childhood obesity. The childhood obesity epidemic has caused girls to be caught in a double bind - on one end they hear that children are overweight today and that is unhealthy and unattractive - on the other end of the spectrum they see images of girls and women who are super-thin and over - sexualized. Definitely register here.
Body Image,
Gold Goes to Literacy

"We've gotta teach our kids to read & write-That's the only way to win this fight for life-Education is the goal so if you wanna be in the know - get the knowledge, It's the one thing we all need in life"-All set over a pretty ferocious beat no less. Regardless, twenty years later, I am overjoyed to read a story about a Girl Scout earning her Gold Award by instigating a book drive and essay contest in her community. In New Jersey, The Denville Neighborhood News reports that Megan Seraphin, a senior at Morris Knolls High School and member of Girl Scout Troop No. 1006, did exactly that! Seraphin collected more than 1,475 books for the Bridge of Books Foundation and as a second part of her project, she hosted an essay contest for students in grades three through eight. In her own words, Seraphin says,
"I chose this project to stress the importance of reading and to promoteGood work indeed! Do you have Gold Award stories you'd like to share? If so, please do.
literacy in struggling communities... So many children in this country do not
have access to books, which is crucial to developing essential literacy skills."
Gold Award,
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Head over to Ohio's Lancaster Eagle Gazette and read a truly awesome story about Girl Scout troop leader Amber Wellman. Recently, Wellman donated one of her kidneys to her co-leader, June Panetti, thus saving her life. Wellman's generosity earned her the first ever Ohio's Heartland Straight from the Heart Award - created after the Girl Scouts of Ohio's Heartland heard about Wellman's lifesaving deed. Kudos to everyone involved!
An Award Straight From the Heart

Monday, June 7, 2010
Weekend Run-Down
Check out a handful of great Girl Scout articles!
- In Chicago, ABC News 7 reports that Girl Scouts have always been good stewards of the environment, but now they are launching a new initiative beginning this weekend to help spread the word. Definitely watch the video.
- In Pennsylvania, The Delaware County News Network has an in depth look into Garnet Valley Girl Scouts, as they advance in a Bridging Ceremony.
- In Illinois, NBC News 13 has a story and video of 16 Girl Scouts receiving top honor.
- The Times Herald, PA, reports that Girl Scout Gold Award recipient Samantha Rooney was also recently awarded a surprise scholarship!
- The Contra Costa Times reports that the Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles Alumnae Association hosted its first Forever Green Alumnae Event.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Congratulations are in order for Masako Vigneault - recipient of The Girl Scout Thanks Badge! Check out an article in Connecticut's Redding Pilot reporting that Masako Vigneault of Redding, CT, received the prestigious Girl Scout Thanks Badge and her 40-Year Membership Pin during an awards ceremony at Girl Scouts of Connecticut’s Annual Meeting recently. A national recognition for Girl Scouts, the Thanks Badge is awarded to a volunteer for outstanding service significantly above the expected performance that benefits the total Girl Scout Council. Kudos to Masako Vigneault!
Last week, I was lucky to participate in a photo shoot that Girl Scouts of the USA did with four top plus-size models - Lizzie Miller, Julie Henderson, Leona Palmer, Anansa Sims - as a part of the conversation around the changing face of fashion. The videos and photos will all be available in July. In the meantime, here is a photo of the models with some GSUSA staff!
Awesome PSA's Locally Made!
Two awesome videos to share with everyone today! First up, an adorable Wonders of Water PSA by some Brownies from Girl Scouts of Central and Western Massachusetts. The girls had just completed the WOW Journey and set their sights on creating a public service announcement. The Brownies came up with the format, voted on the content, decided which props to use and then rehearsed and memorized their lines. The PSA will air throughout Berkshire County. Check it out:
Next up - coming out of Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska is a really wonderful PSA called This is How. It's very uplifting and has a really great soundtrack. Enjoy!
Next up - coming out of Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska is a really wonderful PSA called This is How. It's very uplifting and has a really great soundtrack. Enjoy!
Thanks From The Girl Scout Thanks Badge!

The Changing Face of Fashion

This is all in tandem with both our recent pulse poll on Girls, Fashion, Body Image and with the upcoming Journey series with the Dove Self Esteem Fund.
How do you feel about the changing face of fashion? Let us know!
Beauty Redefined,
Body Image,
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Our Sports Central carries the news that WNBA Team Chicago Sky will host the Girl Scouts Forever Green Festival. Awesome stuff. The Chicago Sky will meet the Tulsa Shock for the first time this weekend at Allstate Arena on Saturday, June 5 at 7pm for Go Green Night. To celebrate the WNBA's "Go Green" week, the Sky, in conjunction with Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana and Motorola, will also host the inaugural Forever Green Festival for fans prior to the game, beginning at 3:30pm.
Chicago Sky Hosts Forever Green Festival

The Forever Green Festival starts at 3:30pm and will showcase Girl Scouts Forever Green Community Action Projects and include several environmentally friendly activities for kids including a battery and cell phone recycling site, displays from the Field Museum, Chicago Hostel, Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, the Illinois Secretary of State's Bicycle Safety Course and Take Action training sessions presented by the Girl Scouts. There is a registration fee for the festival of $20 and for every registration fee submitted, the Sky will donate $5 back to the Girl Scouts. Go here to register, and definitely check it out if you are in the area!
Forever Green,
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Good Morning Everyone - Take a moment and direct yourself to a fantastic piece in The Wall Street Journal's Blog The Juggle. The article is titled "The Latest Career Training Tools: Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs", and it highlights The Girl Scout Cookie Program as a leader in building business skills and savvy in young girls. Definitely read the entire article, and let me know how the Cookie Program has influenced your life and career.
Weekend Run-Down
As always, a number of great Girl Scout stories in the media this morning - let's begin:
- In Connecticut, The Register Citizen reports that Girl Scouts pitched in on city-wide efforts to honor the memory of fallen veterans.
- The Alternative Press has a fantastic look at The Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey offering of a budget friendly family vacation opportunity.
- The Buffalo News travels back in time and shares that a time capsule offers a glimpse of the past while preparing for a new era.
- A memorial garden has come back to life in Strongsville, OH - Justine Mroczka, 16, organized the redesign and replanting of the Hannah Wernke Memorial Garden for her Girl Scout Gold Award project. The garden is a memorial to Hannah, a former Kinsner student who died at the age of 8 from a rare cardiac disorder. Read more in Ohio's Sun Star Courier.
- Girl Scouts of the USA's partnership with The Urban League was highlighted by AFRO.
- Last but not least, a look at B-Unique summer day camp for girls - it operates with the mission of “empowering girls to be different by living courageously, creatively and compassionately.” Check it out in Ohio's Journal News.
Weekend Run-Down
Wall Street Journal Believes in the Business of Cookies

Good Morning Everyone - Take a moment and direct yourself to a fantastic piece in The Wall Street Journal's Blog The Juggle. The article is titled "The Latest Career Training Tools: Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs", and it highlights The Girl Scout Cookie Program as a leader in building business skills and savvy in young girls. Definitely read the entire article, and let me know how the Cookie Program has influenced your life and career.
Girl Scout Cookies,
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