In Texas, The Taylor Daily Press has a story on a camp where, aside from the leadership skills that the girls learn, they participate in different activities that will earn them a new badge. This year’s theme was Potions ‘n’ Lotions and the girls earned their science badge. One activity that sounds like a blast to me was their final experiment for the camp - creating a reaction between the carbon dioxide in Diet Coke and Mentos mint candy. Fun!!
Next up - in Pennsylvania, Johnson College is set to host Girl Scouts’ Design Squad Divas Camp from from June 28 to July 2. The camp’s theme is “Electrifying Music.” Participants will learn engineering basics and electrical concepts to build their own dance pads, pinball machines, and more. The camp also includes a field trip to see how music and movies are produced on CDs and DVDs. Sounds pretty rad to me! For more info, click here. Do you have fun camp stories to share? How is camp season going for you so far?