Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Honoring Our Sisters

In what sounds like a fantastic time to me, Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan will welcome the public to the fourth annual “Honoring Our Sisters” Native American Pow Wow this weekend at Camp O’ the Hills in Brooklyn, MI. This event will feature many traditional aspects of Native American culture, including dancing, drumming, Native American foods and crafts. In conjunction with the Pow Wow, Girl Scouts will have spent four days living and working with Pow Wow participants, learning firsthand about the Three Fires People of Michigan - hearing stories around a campfire from tribal elders, making authentic crafts and sampling traditional foods.The girls have an opportunity to learn about how they are different from Native American culture, but also how they are the same. Young Native American women and participants can talk and relate on modern topics of interest. For more information, read more in Are there similar camps in your community?