Thursday, April 23, 2020

Updates About G.I.R.L. 2020 and the 55th National Council Session

For 108 years, Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) has enabled girls to realize their biggest dreams and tap into their spirit of innovation, collaboration, and service to their communities to make the world a better place. Most recently, Girl Scouts, their families, volunteers, and supporters have mobilized to give back to those in need due to our current health crisis in safe and creative new ways.

Safety has always been at the heart of all Girl Scout activities. As we’ve continued to monitor public health experts’ recommendations and forecasts, it became clear that, because there are no widely accepted models that predict when it may be safe to hold large-scale, in-person events and when all restrictions on travel will be lifted, Girl Scouts could not hold our G.I.R.L. 2020/55th National Council Session in October as planned—we simply can’t guarantee the health and safety of participants. As we sought feedback from all key stakeholders, including delegates, we assessed and prepared for different scenarios, given the extraordinary circumstances we have been operating under due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. This included asking those expected to participate in NCS if they had any concerns about the event—74% responded they were concerned about the health and safety of participants (this was the top concern).

Given all of this, the National Board held a special meeting on Tuesday, April 21, and voted to hold a one-time virtual session for our 55th National Council Session in October 2020. The board also voted to cancel G.I.R.L. 2020, including the Global Roundtable.

We are reimagining NCS in the innovative spirit of our quick Movement pivot due to current challenges toward a 100 percent virtual experience to continue delivering for girls.

The board discussed various options and decided this was the best way to enable the business of Girl Scouting to continue in a timely manner and honor the significant business that was brought to the National Council, including four proposals initiated by councils and two that were co-created by councils and recommended to the board, as well as the business of electing the new board. We will be leveraging our councils’ learnings, as more than half have already held/decided to hold their annual meetings virtually this year.

We know this news is disappointing for the girls, troops, volunteers, alums, and supporters who were looking forward to meeting in Orlando for a truly impactful, girl-led event. Although we can’t meet in person, we encourage you to continue to connect with our unbreakable sisterhood via the many virtual events and activities we’ve recently launched for girls and their families, as well as our volunteers and alums, via Girl Scouts at Home™ and the Girl Scout Network's Campfire Chats.

GSUSA is enormously grateful for the many volunteers and council leaders and staff who have been working to create amazing experiences for G.I.R.L. 2020/55th NCS. We want to send a special shout-out to the G-TEAM—26 brilliant young women from across Girl Scouts and Girl Guides who have played a central role in planning all aspects of our convention—and the six Florida host councils:

  • Girl Scouts of Citrus
  • Girl Scouts of Gateway Council
  • Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida
  • Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida
  • Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida
  • Girl Scouts of West Central Florida

GSUSA will be refunding in full (100%) all convention registrations that were booked directly through GSUSA (please give us a few weeks to process them all). We also will be seeking additional feedback and support as we plan a virtual NCS. We ask for your patience as we work through the impact these decisions have on the many events and activities that were originally planned as part of G.I.R.L. 2020/55th NCS.

As always, Girl Scouts are trailblazers—with our pivot to a virtual National Council Session, we are making history and preserving Girl Scout’s democratic process while propelling our Movement into the future together through an engaging virtual experience.

If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Girl Scout Cookie Care Challenge Is On!

Over the past few weeks, Girl Scouts have stepped up in amazing ways to stay connected, help one another, and make a difference in their communities.

As you probably know, when traditional door-to-door sales and in-person cookie booths were suspended because of COVID-19, we launched the Girl Scouts Cookie Care campaign to encourage cookie fans to buy or donate their favorite cookies online and have them shipped to their doors.

To date, Girl Scouts have sold more than 1 million boxes-SWEET! We’re in awe of the outpouring of support and hope to maintain the momentum until every last box is sold. Will you help us reach the finish line? It's easy. Simply participate in the Cookie Care Challenge! Here's how:

I'm a Girl Scout currently selling cookies. Can I participate in the challenge and sell cookies?
Absolutely! You can join the fun by sharing the green square image on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter; nominating friends, family, and fellow Girl Scouts; and using your own Digital Cookie® link so others can purchase cookies directly from you. Be sure to use #VirtualCookieBooth in your posts!

I'm a Girl Scout Cookie lover or a Girl Scout who ended her cookie sale. How do I get involved?

You can still help other Girl Scouts! Participate in the challenge by sharing the green square image on your social media accounts, nominating others, and including the Cookie Care link to purchase cookies or donate them to frontline workers and local causes in need.

Whether you're a Girl Scout, a troop leader, or just someone who believes in the Girl Scout mission and wants to show support and solidarity, the impact of your participation in Cookie Care is huge. By buying or donating cookies and encouraging others to do the same, you’re sustaining the Girl Scout Movement and bringing joy and comfort to those on the frontlines of the crisis. We’re so grateful!

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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tres formas increíbles de darle las gracias a su voluntario de Girl Scouts.

Estos son tiempos sin precedentes, pero una constante son nuestros voluntarios de Girl Scouts. En los buenos y malos momentos, y en los grandes y pequeños también, los voluntarios siempre han sido la razón por la que las Girl Scouts hacen del mundo un lugar mejor.

Abril es National Volunteer Month (el mes nacional del voluntario)—nuestro momento favorito aquí en Girl Scouts of the USA—y aunque el mundo puede estar enfrentando mucha incertidumbre en este momento, lo que nunca flaquea es nuestro sincero agradecimiento por todos los voluntarios que les traen el poder de ser Girl Scouts a las niñas.

¡Únase a nosotros mientras celebramos a los voluntarios de Girl Scouts durante todo abril! Ya sea que elija solo una de nuestras actividades sugeridas o todas, asegúrese de hacer que los voluntarios en su vida se sientan apreciados y recuerde todas las razones por las que continúan dando de su tiempo y corazón a la misión de Girl Scouts.

1. Ponga un poco de amor en sus mensajes digitales! Muéstreles a los voluntarios de Girl Scouts en su vida cuánto significan para usted al personalizar una de estas divertidas plantillas de tarjetas prediseñadas. Dígales las cosas que más admira sobre ellos o comparta un recuerdo favorito, luego envíeselo por mensaje de texto o correo electrónico a sus voluntarios.

¿Está buscando que toda la tropa se divierta? Considere enviar un mensaje digital de agradecimiento grupal a través de Kudoboard. ¡Visite nuestra página del mes del aprecio al voluntario para obtener más detalles!  Kudoboard solo está disponible en inglés en este momento, pero las instrucciones se proporcionan en español.

2. ¡Elógielos en las redes sociales! ¿Aprecia a su voluntario de Girl Scouts? ¡Por supuesto que sí! ¿Qué mejor manera de hacerlos sentir especiales que dejar que el mundo sepa lo increíbles que son?

Durante la semana nacional del voluntario (19-25 de abril) cuéntele al mundo por qué su voluntario de Girl Scouts es tan especial para usted en sus redes sociales—¡todos pueden beneficiarse de ver más cosas positivas en sus páginas en estos momentos! Asegúrese de etiquetar a @girlscouts e incluir el hashtag #NVW2020 para que podamos seguir toda la diversión. ¿Es su líder de tropa su voluntario favorito? ¡Envíele felicitaciones adicionales el 22 de abril, en Girl Scout Leader’s Day (Día del Líder de Girl Scouts)!

3. ¡Sorpréndelos con algo especial! A lo largo de abril, use el código VOLUNTEER2020* para obtener un descuento del 10 por ciento más el envío gratuito desde nuestra tienda en línea, el Girl Scout Shop, y haga sonreír en grande a su voluntario con una muestra de su agradecimiento.

* El código está activo del 1 de abril al 30 de abril de 2020, con un descuento del 10 por ciento más el envío gratuito desde El código es para uso único por cliente y en línea solo en Algunas exclusiones se aplican.

Three Awesome Ways to Thank Your Volunteer

These are unprecedented times, but one constant is our Girl Scout volunteers. Through good and bad times, and in small and big ways, volunteers have always been the reason Girl Scouts go on to make the world a better place. April is National Volunteer Month—our favorite time here at Girl Scouts of the USA—and though the world may be facing a lot of uncertainty right now, what never wavers is our heartfelt appreciation for the volunteers who bring the power of Girl Scouting to girls.

So join us as we shout out and celebrate Girl Scout volunteers throughout April! Whether you choose one of our suggested activities or all, you’re sure to make the volunteers in your life feel loved and remember all the reasons that they continue to give their time and hearts to the Girl Scout mission. 1. Put some love in their inbox! Show the Girl Scout volunteer in your life just how much they mean to you by personalizing one of these fun predesigned card templates. Tell them your favorite things about them or share a favorite memory, then text or email it to your volunteer/s.

Looking to get the whole troop in on the fun? Consider sending a digital group thank-you message via Kudoboard—check out our Volunteer Appreciation Month page for details! 2. Shout them out on social media! Love your Girl Scout volunteer? Of course you do! What better way to make them feel special than to shout ‘em out for the world to know? During National Volunteer Week (April 19–25), share why your volunteer (or volunteers!) is so special to you across your social channels—everyone could use something cheerful in their feed right now! Tag @girlscouts and include the hashtag #NVW2020 so we can follow the love. Is your troop leader your favorite volunteer? Then send some extra kudos on April 22, Girl Scout Leader Day! 3. Surprise them with something special! Throughout April, use code VOLUNTEER2020* to get a 10 percent discount and free shipping from our online store, the Girl Scout Shop, and bring a smile to your volunteer’s face with a thoughtful token of your appreciation.

*The code is active April 1 through April 30, 2020, for a 10 percent discount and free shipping from The code is for one-time use per customer, online only at Some exclusions apply.
Friday, April 3, 2020

3 Ways to Support a Girl Scout Near You

Girl Scouts have suspended in-person cookie sales due to COVID-19, but you can still support your local troops.
  1. Girl Scouts nationwide continue to sell cookies through the Digital Cookie® platform—including the Digital Order Card and Smart Cookies™. If you know a Girl Scout, reach out to see if she’s participating and if you can buy directly from her!
  2.  No surprise, Girl Scouts are getting creative—including by reimagining cookie booths during this time of isolation. They’re using the power of social media (with parental supervision) to make their sales pitch, collect orders, and deliver or donate the cookies when it's again safe to do so. Watch for mention of "virtual cookie booths" that will enable you to support girls and troops that have inventory on hand.
  3. Supporters who may not be connected to a Girl Scout or who typically rely on door-to-door and traditional booth sales can visit Girl Scouts Cookie Care to safely order cookies for home delivery (pending local shipping availability) or spread the love by donating cookies to first responders, volunteers, and local causes.

With Girl Scouts Cookie Care, the goal is to mobilize broad support for buying unsold cookie inventory that troops and girls nationwide still have on hand due to the impact of COVID-19. Girl Scouts of the USA is also working closely with impacted councils in other ways to address inventory challenges.

No matter how you buy your cookies, you’ll be supporting local Girl Scouts. And remember: all cookie proceeds stay local to support innovative programming for girls.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

An Update on G.I.R.L. 2020

Greetings from the G.I.R.L. 2020 Team! We hope this update finds you and your family safe, well and adjusting to our new work and play “normal” in the best possible ways. Many of you have asked questions regarding G.I.R.L. 2020 and we wanted to provide some updates.

Q. Will G.I.R.L. 2020 be canceled or postponed due to the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Currently, we are conducting scenario planning for meetings in case we can’t proceed as originally planned. Plan for decisions about the next steps related to G.I.R.L. 2020 to be made in late Spring/early Summer. If we must cancel the event, registration fees will be refunded in total or in part, depending upon the date and circumstances of the cancellation decision. We encourage everyone to please be mindful of domestic and international travel restrictions and vendor cancellation policies as they prepare for this event.

Q. Have there been any adjustments to the Trendsetter package deadline?

In response to your inquiries about the timing of registration impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, we are extending key benefits associated with Trendsetter registration into the Early Bird  registration period (April 1 – July 31). Therefore, you and your council will be able to take advantage of the same price and benefits until July 31st!

Key benefits to be extended include:
  • Payment Plan Option
  • Link to register for Signature and Breakout sessions early
  • Special discounts/offers from G.I.R.L. EXPO exhibitors

Q. When will hotel reservations be available?
We also want to provide an update on hotel requests. Many hotels in the Orlando area have closed for the months of April and May and are not taking any reservations, present or future until they reopen.

Therefore, the individual housing selection portal will also not open until June 1 or thereafter. We will continue to provide updates as they are made available.

Thank you so much for your patience, understanding and continued support!