Girl Scouts have suspended in-person cookie sales due to COVID-19, but you can still support your local troops.
- Girl Scouts nationwide continue to sell cookies through the Digital Cookie® platform—including the Digital Order Card and Smart Cookies™. If you know a Girl Scout, reach out to see if she’s participating and if you can buy directly from her!
- No surprise, Girl Scouts are getting creative—including by reimagining cookie booths during this time of isolation. They’re using the power of social media (with parental supervision) to make their sales pitch, collect orders, and deliver or donate the cookies when it's again safe to do so. Watch for mention of "virtual cookie booths" that will enable you to support girls and troops that have inventory on hand.
- Supporters who may not be connected to a Girl Scout or who typically rely on door-to-door and traditional booth sales can visit Girl Scouts Cookie Care to safely order cookies for home delivery (pending local shipping availability) or spread the love by donating cookies to first responders, volunteers, and local causes.
No matter how you buy your cookies, you’ll be supporting local Girl Scouts. And remember: all cookie proceeds stay local to support innovative programming for girls.