Similarly, an article appeared in Women's eNews about the recent Healthy Media for Youth Summit in Washington DC. Reporter Rich Daly was on hand and relates that Girl Scouts has enlisted the help of such industry leaders as the National Association of Broadcasters and the National Cable and Television Association. He states:
"The goal is to get entertainment and media companies to improve the images ofThe story also gained traction in USA Today and Politico. Watch What You Watch, the national PSA campaign to promote healthy media images for youth was debuted at the October event and has been heavily covered by Chicago’s FOX News, CNN, Washington Post and many more. Watch it below:
girls projected by Hollywood, advertising and even among kids on the Internet.
The girls' image campaign and ongoing gatherings is led by a partnership of 12
groups representing girls' advocates, broadcasters, studios and lobbying firms... As part of this effort, the Girl Scouts lobbied for support of proposed federal legislation--introduced by Reps. Tammy Baldwin, a Wisconsin Democrat, and Shelley Moore Capito, a West Virginia Republican in March--to fund more detailed research on media's impact on girls."