Thursday, July 20, 2023

Thank You, Karen Layng

It is with enduring gratitude that we thank Karen P. Layng for her lifetime of service and commitment to Girl Scouts as she closes out her tenure as National Board President of Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA).

In her six years on the National Board, serving the last three years as National President, Karen brought steady leadership, strong business acumen, and strategic guidance to GSUSA’s National Board. Her deep knowledge of and unwavering commitment to our Movement has been invaluable and thanks to her contributions, the organization is well positioned for the future.  

 Karen is a respected leader throughout the legal world and the nonprofit sector, and her strategic and financial acumen, drive, and governance experience have contributed to successfully accomplishing the organization's goals. Karen’s tenure will be remembered for her steady stewardship of the organization through a global pandemic; her passion and experience have paved the way to successfully ensuring a lasting impact for all through Girl Scouting.

 Beyond her extensive contributions to Girl Scouting, Layng has an impressive career as a lawyer and recognized leader and expert public speaker including on women’s leadership issues. She is the CEO of M.A.I.T. Co., a consulting firm focused on business strategy, construction and legal advisory services, and enterprise risk management. She is also an adjunct professor at Northwestern University’s Engineering Master’s in Executive Management for Design and Construction program. She also has a list of firsts, including as the first woman president of the Seventh Circuit Bar Association in its then 50-plus year history.

 “I am incredibly proud of all that the National Board has accomplished in partnership with our colleagues at GSUSA and at councils across America and thank our national donors, partners and volunteers,” said Layng. “The next committed and talented national board will continue our exceptional and necessary work and I look forward to supporting them every step of the way. It has been an honor to serve an organization that has meant so much to me since my own Brownie days – and once a Girl Scout, forever a Girl Scout!”

 “Thank you, Karen, for your leadership and commitment to the Girl Scout mission,” said GSUSA CEO Bonnie Barczykowski. “Your vision, dedication, and lifelong passion for Girl Scouts have left an indelible mark on our organization, and we are so grateful.” 

Please join us in thanking Karen for her service on the board including as our 26th National President and her lifelong dedication to Girl Scouts.