Girl Scouts of the USA announced the release of the Official Girl Scouts of the USA Cookie Finder for the iPhone or iPod Touch. The Official Girl Scouts of the USA Cookie Finder for your iPhone or iPod Touch allows you to support Girl Scouts by using the free app to navigate your way to Thin Mints, Lemonades, Tagalongs, Trefoils, Shout Outs, Samoas, and all the other Girl Scout Cookies in your area and around the nation. Your next box of Thin Mints is just a touch away!
"With the app, the iPhone's GPS will read your location and show you cookie sales nearby," says the press release and Girl Scouts blog. "All search results are easy to sort and view. All listings are sorted by date, radius, or you can view them all on a map. The app includes the most comprehensive information available and contains cookie sale data from around the country, including the start and end of local cookie sales."
Sheehan states that "The Girl Scouts see this as just another way for them to connect with the community... And just think, with $700 million or so in sales and all that cash on hand, the Girl Scouts could've bought The Huffington Post themselves and used the entire thing as just one big virtual bake sale."
Oh, and Jason, thanks for the blog shout out. Werd! The Tech Herald and socialtech.com have also picked up on the App. Much more to come...