Thursday, March 3, 2011

All Around the World in the USA

Every year on February 22, Girl Scouts around the world celebrate Thinking Day, a day to reflect on Girl Scouting around the world and learn more about the culture of other countries. In Maryland, Delmarva Now reports that girls from Junior Girl Scout Troop 980 put on a Thinking Day event for girls from Brownie/Daisy Troop 1161, with activities, displays, prizes and food. Many countries were featured, but there was a special focus on Brazil. Everyone in attendance was invited to sample coffee-flavored Brazilian Coffee Cookies and Brazilian Cornstarch cookies. Many of the girls were even bold enough to try a dish new to them: Feijoada. Feijoada is a stew of beans with beef and pork, and is considered the national dish in Brazil. I can personally attest to the full on deliciousness of Feijoada! Recipes here.

In Ohio, the Bucyrus Telegraph Forum reports that Girl Scouts from Crestline, Galion, and Bucyrus gathered February 20 to celebrate World Thinking Day. Sixty-seven girls that are Brownies, Junior and Cadette Girl Scouts along with several parents, grandparents and leaders "traveled" around the world learning about other countries and sampling foods. The program began with a flag ceremony and greeting, "Willkommen auf denken tag!" which is German and means "Welcome to Thinking Day." Everyone played a game that allowed facts to be shared about different countries. Among other things, each girl had a passport that was stamped as she traveled from country to table.

In Kansas, the Basehore Sentinel reports that about 150 Girl Scouts from throughout northeast Kansas traveled around the world Saturday morning, but they did not have to go any farther than the Lake of the Forest Clubhouse in Bonner Springs. In addition to the Pledge of Allegiance and Girl Scout Promise being recited at the beginning of the event, the Bonner scouts conducted a candle-lighting ceremony to honor the differences among Girl Scouts around the world. The troop also invited members from the Ethnic Enrichment Commission of Kansas City to set up booths and bring food for all the attendees to try.

What did you do for World Thinking Day?