Friday, January 21, 2011

Prom Dresses Courtesy of California Girl Scouts!

The Reporter in Vacaville, CA, reports that local Girls Scouts and the Fairfield Youth Commission have collected more than 125 prom dresses and will disperse them soon to young women in need. Some of the dresses are brand new and accessories, including vintage purses, are also available. The goal is to provide dresses for prom, but young ladies may choose a dress for another special event instead.

The event will be held in two parts. A morning session will be by invite only and designed to serve the most deserving or in need. The afternoon boutique, beginning at 1 p.m., will be open to the general public. VIP invites are being sent out now by the Girls Scouts - however, organizers want to reach out and make sure that any young lady who could benefit is invited to the special day. There will also be color consultations, hair and make-up clinics and more. Sounds pretty awesome!

My prom date made her own dress and it was quite fabulous! Do you have any prom stories to share?