Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Weekend Run-Down

Let's take a look at Girl Scout activity from the Holiday Weekend:
  • The Washington Post has a story about Project Elf, a holiday-themed program launched last year by Bethann Laign, a Girl Scout troop leader and service unit manager of Girl Scouts Unit 70-9 in Leesburg, VA. Through Project Elf, Girl Scouts fulfill wish lists including toys, games, cookware, clothing, home supplies and basic necessities for families receiving case management services through the county's mental health and substance abuse services. Each family was adopted by a local Girl Scout troop, which bought items on the families' wish lists. The gifts were bought with leftover money from Girl Scout cookie sales or donations from Scouts' families.
  • Alabama's Times Daily reports that Girl Scouts from Kilby Laboratory School came to Merrill Gardens assisted living facility in Florence to herald the Christmas season through song. Troop Leader Carol Maynard said the scouts have been caroling at Merrill Gardens for a number of years. One of the reasons is to earn a badge, but she emphasized the importance of how singing songs to the residents can brighten everyone's holiday.
  • In Dunkirk, NY, The Observer reports that Cassadaga Valley Girl Scout Cadette Troop 20334 members worked to earn a Silver Award by collecting winter wear for children and adults. The scouts placed collection boxes and accepted coats, boots, hats and gloves to be turned over to the Cassadaga Food Pantry for distribution. As a bonus, the girls donated 50 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to the food pantry.
  • Sonoma News, CA, reports that as a fundraiser, local Girl Scout troops will work together to pick up discarded Christmas trees for the 11th year in a row. The Girl Scouts have partnered with Sonoma County Waste Management, Sonoma Garbage and Redwood Waste to get these trees collected in a way that's environmentally friendly so they can be ground into mulch and compost to help other plants grow.
  • Also in California, The San Francisco Chronicle reports on rehabilitative programs for juvenile offenders that include working in a garden, training dogs and participating in Girl Scouts. Heather, a 16-year-old Girl Scout, now serving a sentence at the Sierra Youth Center, participated in a Toys For Tots program, and was responsible for gifts going to a needy child - in her case a 1-year-old boy.
  • The Miami Herald, FL, reports that a group of Girl Scouts collected a van load of clothes, toys, food, baby essentials and more for the children of Florida City farm workers.
  • ABC News 10 in Sacramento, CA, reports that in addition to their excited families, a group of Armed Service Members was greeted by the Girl Scouts Heart of Central California Color Guard. The Girl Scouts presented the Color Guard as part of their commitment to honor country in the Girl Scout pledge. Video below:

Do you have any examples of Girl Scouts spreading cheer this Holiday Season?
