"Girl Scouts has formed so much of whom I am and a lot of my self-confidence... I really want other girls to at least get a taste what that is like."In January, Omar earned the Girl Scout Gold Award for co-founding the Bridge of Lights, a project that gave flashlights to students in the blacked out region of Kashmir. In 2005, an earthquake hit the Kashmir region, located between the countries of India and Pakistan and relief aid was scarce. Hearing of the lack of electricity, Omar made presentations to companies, church groups, friends and neighbors asking for donations to purchase solar-powered flashlights to send to the Kashmir region. After 118 hours of work, enough money was raised to send 1,075 solar flashlights to students in the Kashmir region.
According to Omar, participating in the Young Leaders program is an opportunity to inspire young girls the same way she was inspired by Girl Scouts. How has Girl Scouting been an inspiration to you?