Good luck to each of you . . .you could be our next winner! More Exciting News - to give you a snapshot of what Justine magazine is all about, we have created a special Justine E*Buzz just for you Girl Scouts. So throw on your comfy sweats and flip through the E*Buzz for tips on skincare, beauty, style and fitness and to meet last year’s R.E.A.L. Girl winner and finalists - plus read about former Girl Scouts Keke Palmer and Katie Armiger. Access your Justine E*Buzz now!
Want more Justine? We hope you will love the great info that Justine has to offer you and will become a subscriber of the regular Justine print edition which is published 6 times yearly. Subscriptions start at just $17.95 for one year and as an added bonus for you as a new Girl Scout subscriber, we will throw in a recent back issue to you for FREE. To take advantage of this offer, click here. . .
Have a great holiday, don’t eat too much peppermint candy and we will see you in 2011. Our best, Jana Pettey and the Justine Team