Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In Michigan, Managing the Chaos of a Brownie Meeting

Char Luttrell, Community Contributor for, Communications Specialist for Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan and survivor of four years of Brownie sleepovers and campouts, recently penned a piece titled "Managing the Happy Chaos of a Girl Scout Brownie Meeting" - it's fantastic. Of Girl Scout Brownies, Luttrell states:
"They are lovable, energetic, boisterous and loud... These second and third grade girls love to test the limits, to find out what they can and cannot do. Without a plan, a Girl Scout Brownie troop leader can go home from every troop meeting with a raging headache."
I'm sure our readers can relate! Definitely read the entire article here. Do you have any advice for those venturing into Brownie Territory?