Tuesday, August 8, 2023

5 Fun Activities to Celebrate Girl Scouts Love State Parks Weekend

It’s that time of year, Girl Scouts! Get excited for Girl Scouts Love State Parks Weekend on September 9 and 10. Over this weekend, you’ll get to explore the wonders of your local state parks with your friends and family. Plus, you’ll be able to earn the Girl Scouts Love State Parks patch by participating in activities that show off your love of nature like hiking, birdwatching, and cleaning up your favorite trails. By leading the way, you could inspire others to help make the planet a cleaner and more beautiful place. 

Amidst this scorching heat wave, safety first! If you and your Girl Scouts reside in one of the states experiencing a heat wave, remember to stay cool and hydrated. Explore responsibly and seek shaded areas to beat the heat.

Wondering what type of activities you can do at state parks? We’ve got you covered!


Geocaching is a real-life treasure hunt! It’s a fun way to tap into your sense of adventure and explore cool, unique hiding spots, called caches, around your state park. It requires a phone or an understanding of how to use GPS coordinates, so it’s best to do this activity with an adult. When you geocache, you’ll get to search for all sorts of hidden objects throughout the park like, notes, loose change, or small toys. To get the most of this activity, consider planning ahead by hiding things to find and writing down the coordinates you’re most interested in exploring—and most importantly, have fun!

Nature Art and Journaling

Nature is one of the best inspirations for art! Whether it’s a beautiful bird or a sky full of stars, state parks are a great place to get inspired and dive into any art piece or your next journal entry. After journeying through new trails with friends, take a moment to tap into your creativity and reflect on your experience through art! If this activity feels right for you, remember to pack up your notebooks and the drawing materials you’ll need for your next masterpiece.

Birdwatching and Photography

Birdwatching is a popular activity that teaches patience and observation while fostering an appreciation for our feathered friends. Through birdwatching you can discover the natural habitats and listen to the callings of every bird, with or without binoculars. Take pictures of the birds you find and share your results with us on social using #gslovestateparks

Picnicking and Stargazing

Girl Scouts Love State Parks Weekend is filled with adventurous activities, but if you’re looking for something more relaxing there’s lots to choose from, like picnicking and stargazing! They’re great ways to make the most of your experience and bond with your friends and family. You can prepare by packing a comfy blanket, snacks and your favorite Girl Scout cookies to share, then enjoy a night full of stars. Just be sure to throw away any trash to keep your favorite state parks clean! 

Outdoor Yoga

Yoga is a wonderful way to get grounded and align yourself during each moment. What better place to practice yoga than by doing so in the beautiful outdoors, at Girl Scouts Love State Parks Weekend? In between diving into handfuls of adventure-packed activities, you can slow things down by tuning into your breath, treating your body with kindness and flowing with the ones you cherish most.

No matter how you choose to get out and explore a state park, you’ll develop an appreciation for the natural world while spending time with loved ones. State parks offer chances to be active and relax. If you’re ready to learn more, download our FREE passport activity to kick-start your state park exploration. Let’s lead the way and get excited to unlock a new appreciation for nature during this year’s Girl Scouts Love State Parks Weekend! Share your experience by tagging @girlscouts and @thorindustries in your posts on social media, along with #gsoutdoors and #GSLoveStateParks.