Thursday, October 15, 2020

Be a part of history! Register for the 55th NCS livestream

Girl Scouts around the world are counting down the hours until our 55th (and first-ever virtual) National Council Session (NCS), and the doors are wide open for all members to join. 

Held every three years, NCS brings Girl Scouts’ democratic process to life in a big way. Starting Friday, October 23, through Sunday, October 25, 1,300 delegates from every council across the nation and USA Girl Scouts Overseas, will discuss, debate, and vote on issues important to the Girl Scout Movement and elect national leaders for the 2020–2023 triennium (we invite you to meet the officer candidates for the National Board via this video). This year, a record number of girl members—approximately 400—aged 14–17 will represent their councils as delegates. 

NCS ties into Girl Scouts’ long history of civics education, a history that found new momentum this summer with the launch of new civics badges. So, whether you’re a girl member, volunteer, or lifetime member, please join our sisterhood to watch Girl Scout history being made. 

When COVID-19 required that the event be moved online for the safety of all participants for the first time in its 100+ year history, we knew those who were planning to attend would be disappointed, but we realized it also created an incredible opportunity for all members to watch our democratic process live. 

Register by Sunday, October 18, to receive “gallery guest” access to the livestream and join us as the excitement unfolds—“see” you at NCS! 

Friday, October 9, 2020

Everything You Need to Know About “Driving My Financial Future” Virtual Events

It’s hard not to reflect on how women and girls have historically been deterred from focusing on finances because of societal norms and laws. If you want to help the girl in your life take charge of her financial future while having a blast learning new skills and building confidence, claim your spot today for our interactive virtual events developed with Toyota Financial Services!

Every event is focused on grade-appropriate topics that girls care about. And the best part? Your Girl Scout will get a chance to earn her Financial Literacy badges when she participates.

All events will be available for replay, so if you can’t make it live, no worries. Simply register and use the link in your email confirmation to tune in when you can.

1. Help Your Girl Take Charge of Her Financial Future
Tuesday, October 13, 2020 | 8:00 PM ET 
Register HERE

Financial literacy is all about teaching your girl to set goals and create the future she wants for herself. And Girl Scouts can help her do it! In this webcast for parents and troop leaders, you’ll discover all the ways girls can become financially savvy through Girl Scouts and can approach saving, spending, and money management at any grade level.

2. Awesome Girls: Budgeting for a Birthday Bash
Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | 5:00 PM ET
Register HERE

Join us as we use a budget to purchase items for a birthday party honoring Girl Scout founder Juliette Gordon Low! Girls will learn about buying on a budget through fun hands-on experiences—no supplies needed! This event is for Girl Scout Juniors and non-Girl Scouts in fifth and sixth grades.

3. Awesome Girls: Check Out the Fine Print!
Thursday, November 19, 2020 | 5:00 PM ET 
Register HERE  

It's always important to read the fine print, especially when making purchases with a credit card! Learn how to use an online comparison-shopping chart to find the best deals to maximize your money. This event is for Girl Scout Cadettes and non-Girl Scouts in –sixth through eighth grades.

4. Awesome Girls: Buying Power!
Thursday, December 17, 2020 | 5:00 PM ET 
Register HERE  

Calculate the long-term costs of your wants and needs! Girls will complete activities to understand the true cost of their purchases, whether they’re buying a car or a new cell phone. By asking the right questions, girls learn to better evaluate their purchases and uncover hidden costs. This event is for Girl Scout Seniors and non-Girl Scouts in –ninth and tenth grades.

5. Awesome Girls: Building a Good Credit Score Score
Thursday, January 28, 2021 | 5:00 PM ET
Register HERE

Girls will learn how to build their credit score to qualify to buy their first car! Through examples, girls see what they should and shouldn’t do to build strong credit. We will also discuss why having a good credit score helps people pay less monthly and have better interest on credit purchases. Most importantly, girls will hear from the experts themselves about the process of establishing healthy credit. This event is for Girl Scout Ambassadors and non-Girl Scouts in 11th and 12th grades.

Be sure to tag us (@girlscouts) to show off your new badges and to let other Girl Scouts know how you liked the virtual events! You can also check out Girl Scouts at Home—our hub of online activities, including some for financial literacy.
