Congrats to Hall of Famer Alison Mansfield!
Energizer's Keep Going Hall of Fame reports that at age 10, Alison Mansfield had an experience that literally changed her life perspective; she met Sergeant Paul Statzer, a soldier severely injured while serving in Iraq. Inspired by Sergeant Statzer’s strength and positive attitude, Alison knew she wanted to do something to honor those who make our freedoms possible, so she started a Girl Scout cookie drive and collection of troop support letters. But in 2007, her project went national when she added the collection of warm, wool socks for soldiers serving in the cold, mountainous regions of Afghanistan. Today, Alison has collected more than 60,000 socks, snacks, toiletries, letters of support and small toys for the soldiers to give to the Afghan and Iraqi children as gestures of goodwill. Through her extraordinary spirit, enthusiasm and determination, Alison has inspired others across the United States to get involved in their communities.
Kudos Alison! Do you have similar stories of Girl Scouts contributing to the greater good?