This award is to honor media by women, for women and about women. Our selection for a Gracie is in recognition of Girl Scouts of the USA’s role in spearheading innovative advocacy efforts to promote healthy media images. In October 2010, we hosted the Healthy Media for Youth Summit on Capitol Hill with our partners from The Creative Coalition, the National Association of Broadcasters, and the National Cable & Telecommunications Association. At the summit, the coalition unveiled the Watch What You Watch PSA for cable and broadcasting networks to use in raising awareness about healthy media images. As the convener of the coalition, GSUSA will be awarded a Gracie for that PSA in the Outstanding Public Service Announcement category.
For 60 years, the Alliance for Women in Media has served as the voice and resource for women in the media. And for more than three decades, the Foundation has been a leader in celebrating and honoring programming created for women, by women and about women, as well as individuals who have made exemplary contributions to the industry. The Gracies strive to encourage the realistic and faceted portrayal of women in entertainment, commercials, news, features and other programs.