The reunion was prompted by a brief get-together a couple of the former Girl Scouts had last October at the opening of the Girl Scout history exhibit at the Coachella Valley History Museum in Indio. At that time, Kathie Keck Dagermandy of South Pasadena and Bonnie Clause Schwatzburg of Lawrence, Kansas, put their heads together and with the help of Reenie Keck Barrow's computer skills back in Bristol, R.I., put out the word.
9They were able to learn the whereabouts of 24 of the former troop members, with 14 attending the reunion. The women, now in their mid- to late 60s, looked at scrapbooks, read trip journals and enjoyed a slide presentation. The journal was written by all of the girls. Midst lots of laughter about remembered episodes and escapades, the women, now more serious than they were in 1959, also mentioned learning about segregation in the South for the first time, seeing “white only” drinking fountains and restrooms.
9They also remembered how much times have changed when they noted the cost of each night's lodging, which ranged from $1.50 per girl to a high of $3.50. Most meals were less than 25 cents.
9Pretty awesome! Have you stayed in touch with Girl Scouts from your past? Register with the Girl Scouts Alumnae Association to reconnect!