And now, Girl Scout Troop leaders can register their troops online and get their scouts doodling. Parents or legal guardians can also register their children directly, as well as educators from public, private and home schools. There’s no limit on the number of doodles that can submitted, however, Google only allows one unique doodle entry per child.
Once scouts have been registered online by a Troop leader and submitted their doodle artwork via mail by March 16th, Google employees and Guest Judges, including Whoopi Goldberg, gold medal ice skater Evan Lysacek and “Garfield” creator Jim Davis, will narrow down the submissions. The top 40 regional finalists will not only receive a trip to New York City and a visit from Google in their hometown, but their artwork will be featured in a special exhibition in partnership with the Whitney Museum of American Art. (Amazing)! Just imagine one of our scouts could be amongst the 40 Regional Finalists. So get the word out and get your troops doodling!
For more details, check out Doodle 4 Google, including full contest rules. To get started, whether you’re a Troop leader, a teacher, a school educator, or a parent, you must register your student(s) by March 2, 2011. Then get out the crayons, paints and markers and throw your own doodle party. Please note that all entries must be postmarked by March 16, 2011. Check out suggestions specific to Girl Scouts - see the Info for Participants page (blue box on the right). Good Luck and have fun!!
Last Year, I reported on a Girl Scout Finalist in the Doodle 4 Google Contest! Her name was Indira and she was eight years old at the time...