City Brights about Girl Scouting. This weeks column is a shout out to the late Richard Goldman and The Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund, which awarded a 3 year grant to help launch Girl Scouts Save the Bay, with a vision to create the next generation of environmental stewards.
Richard said his late wife, Rhoda, and he each discovered their love of nature through their experiences in scouting - and this, in part, inspired his support of environmental programs. Today, thanks to Richard Goldman's vision and The Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund's generous support, 22,000 girls have participated in Girl Scouts Save the Bay and our expanded "Green By Nature" programs. Among other things, this year, Girl Scouts of Northern California members voted to mark Girl Scouts' 99th Anniversary by planting trees - setting a goal of 10,000 trees planted by Girl Scouts during 2011 in partnership with re-forestation and urban planting programs. In 2009 Girl Scouts of Northern California honored Mr. Goldman as their first ever Man of Distinction.