Tricia Puskar, Save The Children's associate director of outreach, explained to the Brownies that many hospitals in developing countries lack incubators to keep premature babies warm. The last time Save The Children sought caps for infants, from September, 2008 to January, 2009, more than 100,000 were collected across the country and beyond. Puskar expects to exceed that number this time around. She said Michael's Arts & Crafts, the nationwide chain, has promoted "Caps For Good" in its stores.
Save the Children’s "Caps for Good" grassroots initiative encourages citizens of all ages to advocate on behalf of newborn care in developing countries. Knitted and crocheted caps are distributed to pregnant women and new moms and their babies in Save the Children's programs in Asia, Africa and Latin America. For more information, including a guide than provides information on how you can get involved, visit See Where the Good Goes.
Do you have any examples of how something simple like knitting a cap can help save a life?