Monday, November 1, 2010

Weekend Run-Down

Many Girl Scout stories popping up in the news from the weekend:
  • The Newark Advocate reports that four Ohio Girl Scouts, all in the eighth grade, recently earned the Girl Scout Silver Award. Titling their project "Troop to Troop," the teenage girls elected to collect items to send to troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  • In Pennsylvania, Public Opinion Online reports that Troops Daisy 80927 and Brownie 80972 hosted the 150th birthday celebration of Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low on Sunday at Memorial Lutheran Church in Shippensburg.
  • In Savannah, GA, WSAV TV3 reports that in celebration of founder, Juliette Low's 150th birthday, Girl Scouts were busy with the Re-Lighting of the Friendship Flame.
  • Colorado's Denver Post reports that Girl Scouts of Colorado recently began an environmental initiative, Forever Green. Fifty scouts also recently at the Women of Distinction event to staff interactive exhibits that included making purses and bracelets from recycled materials, testing pH levels of water taken from nearby lakes and assembling seed packets.
  • In Missouri, The Constitution-Tribune reports that Girl Scouts of NE Kansas and NW Missouri will officially begin selling Girl Scout cookies on Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010. The sale will go all throughout November, ending Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2010. Alongside classic Girl Scout Cookies, buyers may choose a new cookie called the Shout-Out, a sweet, simple cookie that sports an inspirational message imprinted on its front. It is also good for you, with 0 grams trans fat per serving, and containing no hydrogenated oils or high fructose corn syrup.

