This Sunday, November 14, 2010, Girl Scout councils will collaborate on the first ever International Girls Day, an event Kappa Delta created to celebrate the spirit of girls. Girl Scouts of the USA is also a partner in Kappa Delta’s Confidence Coalition and, in partnership with each of the 140 active collegiate chapters across the country, Girl Scout councils will celebrate International Girls Day this Sunday.
Today's girls are tomorrow’s leaders. They are presidents of their senior classes and future presidents of the USA. They are the up-and-coming CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and the brains behind the next breakthroughs in medical science. Girls are constantly impacting their communities and will continue to do so well into the future.
Media messages, cultural stereotypes and peers often tell girls that they have to look, act and be a certain way. With the slogan, “She Can Do Anything,” International Girls Day is a day to celebrate girls – all kinds of girls with all kinds of interests and abilities. It’s an opportunity to build confidence in girls and help them realize their potential.
Media messages, cultural stereotypes and peers often tell girls that they have to look, act and be a certain way. With the slogan, “She Can Do Anything,” International Girls Day is a day to celebrate girls – all kinds of girls with all kinds of interests and abilities. It’s an opportunity to build confidence in girls and help them realize their potential.
Will you be celebrating International Girl's Day this Sunday?