We're 2.5 million strong—more than 1.7 million girls and 750,000 adults who believe in the power of every G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ to change the world. Since 1912, we’ve built girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.
Girl Scouts and Dove Celebrate Self-Esteem Weekend!
Girl Scouts of the USA and Dove, our sponsor for the upcoming It’s Your Story—Tell It! leadership journey series, invite all Girl Scout councils to participate in the Dove Self-Esteem Weekend from October 22-24. The weekend is part of the Dove Movement for Self-Esteem, whose purpose is to encourage women and girls to create a world in which beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. Girl Scouts is joining Dove in this initiative.Dove has put together a set of tools help councils plan for the event, including conversation starters, activities, and discussion guides. Some of our favorite activities include It’s Your Story—Tell It! leadership journey series teasers, Girls in the Lead, the Positive Playlist, and The Self-Esteem Scavenger Hunt. Check them out here.
Girl Scouts of the USA has also developed a national signature activity, adapted from the forthcoming leadership journey series, for councils' engagement during Self-Esteem Weekend. It was inspired by the movie, Ramona & Beezus, in which Ramona creates a mural to tell her story. Girls across the country are invited to educate and inspire others by teaming up to create murals to share with family, friends and community. Download your instructions now. Councils can tell others how they will participate in this fun and exciting weekend. First, add your council’s activity to the Self-Esteem Map. Then send the name of your event to gsbrand@girlscouts.org so we can identify your activity as part of the Girl Scout movement with the Girl Scout Trefoil.