Monday, September 20, 2010

Feelin' Groovy in San Diego!

In California, sent A Cause for Celebration - a collective of reporters covering San Diego's social calendar - to the scene of a Girl Scout event called Feelin' Groovy Urban Campout. Five hundred party-goers in hip huggers, granny glasses, go-go boots and tie dye parted a wall of swinging psychedelic love beads to enter Girl Scout headquarters to benefit The Girl Scouts San Diego-Imperial Council.

An Austin Powers look-alike posed for photos with a classic flower power VW bus and a group of Girl Scouts in uniform, passed out daisies to greet their guests. There was also an abundance of support coming in from the community, with a massive list of sponsors! Read the entire article here. Do you know of a similar activity in your community that you would like to share?