The webcast will take place on Wednesday, July 21 at 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (1 p.m. Central, 12 p.m. Mountain, 11 a.m. Pacific Time). In order to participate, you must click on the following link a few minutes before the chat begins:
Joey King and Selena Gomez will talk about the film, which is based on the beloved book by Beverly Cleary. They will share a little about themselves and chat about how the movie's story correlates with the new Girl Scout Journey, It's Your Story-Tell It! (coming to Girl Scout shops this December). There will be time for questions from online participants but we highly encourage girls to submit questions now! Please send your questions by e-mail to Sabrina Sanchez at ssanchez@girlscouts.org by Tuesday, July 20.
Have fun and psych girls up by previewing the Ramona and Beezus movie trailer together here!