"Learning from adversity is a hallmark of great leadership, and Kathy CloningerBe sure to check out the entire article!
is a great leader. It's a quality that, even when she's quiet, comes through
loud and clear."
We're 2.5 million strong—more than 1.7 million girls and 750,000 adults who believe in the power of every G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ to change the world. Since 1912, we’ve built girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Girl Scout CEO Kathy Cloninger Featured in Businessweek!
Head over to Bloomberg's Businessweek for an outstanding look into the voice of Kathy Cloninger - CEO, Girl Scouts of the USA. The article takes a deep look at how a recent literal loss of voice led Cloninger to an even deeper appreciation of young people who find themselves set apart from the crowd. Author Rick Wartzman then turns the light to Cloninger's managerial style and ends by saying:
Kathy Cloninger,