As reported earlier, Girl Scout Dominique Napolitano testified at a Congressional Hearing on cyberbullying last week, alongside Dr. Phil and Others. In testimony to the U.S. House Healthy Families and Communities Subcommittee, Napolitano, 15, from Long Island, New York, discussed cyberbulling from a teenager’s perspective. As part of her presentation to the subcommittee chaired by U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), Dominque explored the challenges young people face in navigating life online and dealing with the bullying that takes place online and through social media. The story was picked up by numerous outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Herald, The Daily Caller, Yahoo News, CBS WDEF News 12 and more. Below is Dominique Napolitano's Testimony, in full - Enjoy!
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Thursday, July 1, 2010