One major point of discussion will be childhood obesity. The childhood obesity epidemic has caused girls to be caught in a double bind - on one end they hear that children are overweight today and that is unhealthy and unattractive - on the other end of the spectrum they see images of girls and women who are super-thin and over - sexualized. What is healthy? As a result girls are left feeling confused and not knowing what or who to believe. We know from girls though that their definition of health and body image are linked. They see connections between physical and emotional health that adults often miss. For example, for girls, being healthy means feeling good about yourself, your body, having friends and family support.
The webinar will be hosted by The National Collaboration for Youth - a coalition of national organizations committed to advocating with and on behalf of youth and, in particular, in research-driven "positive youth development". Not only is Girl Scouts of the USA a member of The National Collaboration for Youth - Kathy Cloninger, our CEO, is the Chair of the National Collaboration for Youth’s board for the next year.
Definitely register here, and in the meantime - Imagine a world where girls' energy went to changing the world rather than aspiring to look like fashion models.