Friday, May 7, 2010

Brownies Bake For Haiti's Sake

Let's turn our attention to a group of Brownies in Omaha, NE, who prove that Creighton University donors come in all ages - They were even personally thanked by University President Rev. John P. Schlegel after donating to the University’s Haiti Relief Effort. The Brownies of Troop 3495, Omaha, raised $645 through a bake sale and made a donation following the January 12 earthquake that devastated the county of Haiti. Brownie leader Lisa Schartz Keane, a 1991 graduate of Creighton’s School of Law, sums everything up nicely:
“The fact that 8-year-olds helped someone in need is such a
powerful lesson for all of us. That they took this project and ran with it
demonstrates that there is good in the world and it is reflected in these young

So far, five Creighton-led health care teams have traveled to the Institute for Latin American Concern (ILAC) in the Dominican Republic and were able to provide care for earthquake victims in Jimani just 30 minutes from Haiti’s capital. The quickness of the University’s response stems in part from its long-term relationship with ILAC. The University has supported health sciences students and faculty to provide health care at ILAC for more than 20 years. To make financial donations, please visit Creighton’s Haiti Relief Effort.