If you are in the Reno, NV, area - definitely check out an approaching Girl Scout Chili Cook Off. I happen to love all Chili - but being from New Mexico, I am very partial to New Mexican Green Chili! More than just a cook off, the fun filled event has a craft fair with plenty of gift items for shoppers and for the kids, a mini carnival is being held. All proceeds go to help fund a trip in August the scouts will be taking to The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
Also in a Southern state, Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama recently held a "Cookie Caravan contest". All troops in the ares were invited to decorate their car, truck, or van for booth sales and submit a picture. First place winner was Troop 8492, second place went to Troop 8318, and third place to Troop 8308 - Congrats to all! See more on GSSA's Blog.
Down South, Girl Scouts Hornets Nest Council is hosting a Flapjack Fundraiser on Saturday, April 17, 2010. All proceeds raised will support the organization’s service unit. Yummy - for more info, go here.