But Girl Scouting’s success hinges on one very crucial factor - volunteers. Girl Scouts would simply not be possible without them. Volunteers - who make up 99% of Girl Scouting’s entire adult membership - are totally responsible for the success of Girl Scouting. This has always been the case, and it will always be so.
With little or no formal recognition, Girl Scouting’s volunteers nurture, mentor and inspire girls - from the time they are barely able to read, through their high school graduations. Girl Scout leaders provide every girl, everywhere, with a safe environment where girls can share their experiences while participating in an informal educational program that helps them develop into wonderful adults.
With all that our volunteers so selflessly provide, now is the time to give them the recognition they deserve. I hope you will join me today, April 22nd in celebrating all of our volunteers - parents and all adults who take the time to do great things. Without our volunteers, there is no Girl Scouting, and Leader's Day is a wonderful way for us to show just how much we appreciate the time and energy each volunteer gives.