We're 2.5 million strong—more than 1.7 million girls and 750,000 adults who believe in the power of every G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ to change the world. Since 1912, we’ve built girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.
New York Preteens Comprise Jewish Girl Scout Troop
Chabad News, in New York, has a fantastic article today about Girl Scout Troop 3131 - a unique troop comprised solely of Jewish Girl Scouts. The piece is full of truly inspirational quotes about the quality of the Girl Scout experience, from both girls and adults. Group co-leader Sarah Alevsky, a youth director at the Chabad House says,
“We are lucky that Girl Scouts is such a flexible system with a broad enough framework that we can infuse with Judaism... Girl Scouts fits our objective and what we are trying to achieve at Chabad, because we share some of the same principles, namely, that the girls grow up to be upright, responsible, caring adults."
Definitely check out the entire article - and as always, let us know about unique Girl Scout Troops in your communities.