Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Texting While Driving Raises Risk of Crash by 2300%! Educate Yourself Today.

A front page story, in today's The New York Times examines the dangers of texting while driving. Citing a study conducted by The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, the risk of texting is estimated to increase the chance of an accident by 2300%. The article goes on point out that "about half of drivers 16 to 24 said they had texted while driving."

As early adopters to new technology, teens are particularly vulnerable to these types of risky behaviors.

In an effort to get ahead of these very important safety issues, the LMK campaign was founded in partnership with Microsoft Windows. Text-speak for "Let Me Know," LMK seeks to bridge the digital divide between parents and teens by giving teens a platform to educate parents on the web issues most important to them.

Sign up for the
LetMeKnow Online Safety Newsletter today. And while you're at it, sign up for the Online Safety Sweepstakes
for a chance to win a Dell Desktop Computer!
